Room 25 are seen with Sonia during Zumba session . They are in full action after a long time. Well done
Inter-house swimming
This is Inter house swimming competition. Second from left is Kleighton from room 25. He is who is determined to win this race.
Wow! who's going to win this race? Is it Manu, Horowai or Vanessa. There are a few other students who also seem to be really determined to get the first place.
Room 25 on the Mountain Top
Wow! Reginald is leading the way.These room 25 students are very proud. They made it up to the mountain top and are safely coming down from the highest point.
Kiwi Can
Room 25 are in action with Mr Reti during Kiwi Can. He is testing their listening skills and co-ordination.
Recount writing
Annabel wrote her recount on the trip to Te Pane o Mataoho. She had it read by the principle. He thought it was a great recount.
Swimming Time
Students learning how to become cofident in the water. They are learning to help each other learn various skills such as floating, back/front stroke and under the water blowing bubbles. Together we lead and [...]
Trip to the Mangere Mountains
Room 14 went to the Mangere Mountain to learn about its history and its importance to the place we live in which is Mangere. We also learnt about different [...]
Koruru Taonga Takaro
Vanessa, Sarah, Shanita and Horowai from room 25 are learning how to play Koruru. Also know as 'Knuckle bones.'
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