Uike lea fakatonga, 2019 – Aati.

Aati 'i he loki 9a       'I he 'aho Tūsite 3 'o Sepitema, na'e fai 'emau aati. Na'a mau ako ki hono tā 'a e kupesi manulua mo talanoa' ki hono ngaue 'aki 'o [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:09:31+12:0011th September 2019|Room 9A|Comments Off on Uike lea fakatonga, 2019 – Aati.

Term 1 Principal’s awards 2019

In Room 9a we have a "Class dojo" system. Where students get points by showing our school P.R.I.D.E values and when they show that they are keeping to their agreement of our class treaty.  Check [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:10:27+12:006th March 2019|Room 9A|Comments Off on Term 1 Principal’s awards 2019

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindsets vs Fixed Mindsets Our students worked in small groups of 3 to discuss and write what they think the pictures were about. They were then given some pictures to cut out and place [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:10:28+12:0028th February 2019|Room 9A|Comments Off on Growth Mindset
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