Shared Healthy Lunch with the Head Girl.

Lotu before enjoying healthy lunch.   Everyone made their own sandwich in class before we had for lunch. Tuna sandwiches and milk for lunch. Sione T and Sione Ma enjoyed their healthy lunc Students were [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:12:08+12:009th August 2017|Room 6B, Tongan|Comments Off on Shared Healthy Lunch with the Head Girl.

Teachers with ex students from bilingual.

Ex students from our Tongan bilingual at the university visited our class and see how we are. Loved to see them coming back to visit us. Peta, ki'i ta'ahine kuo 'osi mei he ako, 'Apitanga, [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:12:08+12:009th August 2017|Room 6B, Tongan|Comments Off on Teachers with ex students from bilingual.

Room 6b presentation

Children were acting their action poem on the stage.   Melevesi is waiting to show her healthy eating poster. Setita was introducing our class item at the assembly. The class is waiting patiently for their [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:12:08+12:009th August 2017|Room 6B, Tongan|Comments Off on Room 6b presentation

Lokiaki 6b’s Blog 2017

Room 6b is a year 2 Tongan class. It consist of 23 students with 11 students and 12 boys. Koe ki'i tamasi'i 'eni ko Penisimani 'oku ne kei feinga ke ne 'ilo e taimi ke [...]

By |2023-02-14T12:12:34+12:002nd May 2017|Room 6B|Comments Off on Lokiaki 6b’s Blog 2017
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