Working Class
This is individual project on their visit to Papatuanuku Marae.
Celebrating Samoan Language week in Room 9a
Ia manuia tele le Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa! Happy Samoan Language Week! We LOVE learning languages in Room 9a. Here we celebrated Samoan Language by learning a few translations to our Tongan greetings. We also learnt [...]
Mau Rākau
Every week the tuākana (senior) class of Whaia te Mātauranga are taught the art of Mau Rākau at the side of Matua Chris. Mau Rakau is the art of working with a stick(rakau), this was [...]
Rippa tag with Counties Manukau Sport.
Our tamariki love to whakapakari tīnana, here they spend 40 mins with Counties Manukau learning how to play Rippa tag. All tamariki give it a go and try their best to play together. Tima whero [...]
Haerenga anō ki te marae ō Papatuānuku
This week we returned to Papatuanuku marae with our Aorangi whānau. Akomanga tuatoru know the school haka and the waiata tautoko very well so helped to support Rooms 21, 8 and 14 during the pōwhiri [...]
Bullying Free Environment
We all want to live in a safe and happy environment where everyone looks after each other. If this is not what you are experiencing then you must tell someone who can help you.Today all our [...]
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