Soft materials - Making key rings Food Technology - How to make a meal of the simple Potatoe!!! Mrs Taufalele's Potatoe bake!
Soft materials - Making key rings Food Technology - How to make a meal of the simple Potatoe!!! Mrs Taufalele's Potatoe bake!
Great to see the different Careers our students could get into in their future!
We now know the different parts of an egg and what eggs do to food. We then made yummy pancakes and decorated it in our unique way!
The Winners of the ANZAC week question! Janice Faletau, Ezra Setefano, Kordae Rajan & Shane Siuamisi Absent: Varun S who will get his prize when he returns to school.
Having fun on a Thursday morning! Great idea Tony! Much respect for Mr Loma who showed those girls how to do it, Mr Atik too for making those boys do it properly!! [...]
We have a new group of students ..... Tanzeemah, Jenney, Morticia, Ioane, Queenie, Shawn Fineasi, Langaola and they presented to the B.O.T of a project they will do in 2015. Here is a copy of [...]
This year is our first year of running the program our students have focused on the community park/Sutton Park. Their intention is to upgrade this park which would encourage the community to use it more [...]
Top L-R - Siiaana, Langaola, Misty, Laura, Tamirah, Jenney, Ionke, Shawn, Fineasi Agnes, Ilaiasaane, Morticia, Imoana, Kalo, Kayla, Ioane Elijah, Penitusi, Sam, Sioeli, Deiondre
We enjoyed the Science Roadshow held at Southern Cross Campus! The fun part was having a turn on a machine/experiment and understanding the BIG IDEA behind it.