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StandTall Camp: Great Barrier Island DSCF0868

Last week, from early Sunday morning until Friday night, seven Sutton Park students attended a leadership camp on Great Barrier Island. The week was extremely busy. The students were involved in a range of activities such as kayaking, sailing, rock climbing and abseiling but also had to complete a journal and other written tasks during the week. They were asked to reflect on themselves as leaders and how they had grown as people during the week and to identify some personal goals for their future.

 As a way of giving back to those that have helped them, these students will also be taking part in the Round the Bays fun run this weekend. This is to raise money for the Choice Foundation which runs the StandTall programme. Please support them by sponsoring them for this run. Quite a few teachers are also taking part, and if you would like to sponsor us there is a form available in the school office. All money raised will go towards supporting the Choice Foundation to help our students.

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