Mrs Mafi, Timote, Fala and Tesa at the park.

Lunch time after walking up the mountain.

Walk through the place where they can see more land mark.

The kids enjoy their lunch

Me and Tesa. Very sweet little girl.

Group work. Vaiole, Kalisi, Fatafehi and Brendan.


Listening well to the tour guide.

Good team. Mrs Mafi, Timote, Fala ‘o Ngongo and Tesa Manako.

Good buddy. Timote and his friend.

Gooo boys.

It’s fun to find our ways up.

These kids never miss a shot

Feeling comfortable with the teacher. Tesa said.

Together we join together we strong.

Learning time.

Yummy lunch.

Really cool in the shade

Timote, Mrs Mafi, Tesa and Fala ‘o Ngongo.

We give space to everyone.

Power walk.