dscn7658Year 7 and 8 Camp  We arrived at camp on Monday morning and we met the manager called ‘Chief’. He showed us a slideshow of the rules and activities at the camp. We set up our cabins and were put in to our activity groups. Team leaders were chosen in the groups and then we had lunch.

Over the next two days, our groups tried: Balance Island, rafting, the flying fox, the water slide, trollies, the confidence course, archery, kayaking. I thought that the water slide was the best because it was really long and fast. Some of the children were nervous on the flying fox but faced their fears and did it!!!

Sometimes the groups had to set up the dinning room, clean the bathrooms, and keep our cabins tidy. The food was great and there was lots of it.

On the first night the children didn’t go to sleep, so the teachers made us run early in the morning for are long time. The next night we all stayed in our beds because we were REALLY tired.

Camp was a great experience for everyone. We got to know our teachers, each other and ourselves better.

Alvin Vaisa, Room 10        [slideshow id=25]