So this year for the G.A.T.E programme we are looking at SUGAR and how it can really hurt people!

We are also trying to lower the cost of milk because it is a local product yet it very expensive to buy! Therefore we tend to turn towards the Fizzy/sugary drinks than buying milk.

Our aim: Reduce the cost of milk so our communities can live a healthier and cheaper life.

So far this is what we have done…

*Presented to the B.O.T what we are going to do

*We travelled to Fonterra to how much sugar is in ice-cream

*Nigel Latta came and spoke to us about what SUGAR can do to you, as well as he gave us some advice of what we are doing.

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*We are in the process of creating a survey to send out to parents/caregivers at school to see what they think of sugar.

*Meet the dental nurse/nurse to ask questions about how sugar can affect our diet.