Towards the end of Term 1, Sutton Park School had packed large container. This was to help out Teidamu Primary School, in Fiji Islands. The school was badly damaged by the devastating cyclone.

Inside the container were essential equipment and learning resources to help out the primary school. Each class in our school donated 10 pencils cases, together with canned food and other learning resources.

We decided to help out this school because we believe that the children should be able to learn under a roof with the right tools. We always follow our school values; P.R.I.D.E. (Perseverance, Respect, Identity, Diversity and Excellence). We were capable of using perseverance. Packing the container wasn’t an easy task, so to pack it, we needed to be patient and also to co-operate with others to complete our mission for Teidamu School.We had a can and coin trail, mufti day and a Twilight For Teidamu to fundraise to purchase sports equipment.

Later on, we successfully shipped the container to the school. A few Fiji teachers travelled to the school to give all the things to Teidamu Primary School on our behalf.

Mrs Reddy said “The students and the parents appreciated what SPS and the community had done. The classes hardly had any desks and sports equipment, especially books.” “They were really happy and excited about the school bags and pencil cases.”

I have learned that we should always appreciate the things we have and don’t take them for granted. The world is one big family, and we need to help each other. “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.” – Buddha

Angel Tautaiolefua

Media Leader