Why should we have Mobile Phones? We should have mobile phones because it can help us contact a family member, It has a GPS to find our way back home, it can also help us send messages, and texts to friends, family, and supervisors.Mobile Phones now a days have helped us through emergencys. So if you saw a person rob a bank or market, would you use your mobile phone, or call for help? As in shouting out saying help help please someone robbed a bank.


Next mobile phones can be used anywhere and any how. For you to contact your family, and parents, you can either call, or send a text saying to them your at your friends house.Mobile Phones are invented for good reasons. For me mobile phones have changed my families life because they can connect it to the Wifi to use the internet to search for information, for a assignment, assensment, and NCEA. You can also use your mobile phones to order clothes, shoes, and furniture from over seas.


Lastly mobile phones are very useful but can be broken at times. They are also addictive. To students, siblings, parents, aunties, and uncles. But unlikely like me, i dont want a phone anymore because it can be cyber bully. Because your mobile phone or my mobile phone, can be connected to the Wifi and i could see bad comments about me on websites like Twitter, Gmail, or Hotmail.




By : Mouianga Fainga