
On Friday 8 March 2013 some principals from schools in Melbourne,Australia came to visit us.  They were interested in learning about Maori and Polynesians in our Bilingual Units.  They do not have this in Australia but are thinking about setting up one at their school.

We had a powhiri for them.  Maori Tongan and Samoan groups performed for them and welcomed them to our school.  I was a little bit frightened because I was performing in front of a large audience, the whole school and parents.  When I was performing I gave it my best.

Laytyn was our speaker he was very good.  The next time it could be my turn.  That is worst than performing but I have to do it.

They teachers came to our class and they wanted to learn a few songs.  We taught them two songs.  They had to leave before we were finished.

Xavier Gardiner

Room 22img_2146

Kura Powhiri for Australian Principals 8 March 2013

Manuhiri are called and brought in to the hall by           kaikaranga.
Haka powhiri is performed.
Last karanga for manuhiri to be seated.
Manuhiri sit down, school sits down.

Maori speaker.
Maori waiata.

Samoan speaker.
Samoan item.

Manuhiri reply.
Manuhiri item

Tongan speaker.
Tongan item.[singlepic id=927 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Atea speaker.
School item.

Hariru me te hongi: Manuhiri come forward to shake    hands, press noses and greet speakers.

Manuhiri leave hall with Whaea Fiona, coach of speakers,     speakers for light refreshments.